Sunday, July 6, 2008


I borrowed the following from a much more organized site than mine so check them out as well....

What Can You Do?

We know what it will take to solve the problem and that is a groundswell of patriotic Americans standing up and saying "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore!"

Until that happens, be it by writing/emailing/phoning Senators and Congressmen, or a huge turn out at the ballot box, nothing will change and we will sink even further into this abyss.

We can only suggest to get the word out to as many people you know.

Broaden your news sources, as the mainstream media is controlled by the Left and they only broadcast, or print, what they want you to hear or read.
The mainstream media news coverage is agenda driven and they operate under the caveat "repeat a lie long enough and they will begin to believe it."

You may want to start by checking out some of the links we have provided under "Links," and/or reading many of the articles from alternative news sources that I have provided links to in the "Headlines" section.

Write and email your Representatives and Senators every time they vote contrary to your beliefs.

Phone calls (to their local office as well as Wash D.C. offices) can be effective in gaining their attention.

Believe me, if they hear from enough people expressing the same sentiments and opinions, they will listen – they know their re-election may depend on it. Also, letters to the editor of the local newspaper can help.

Other than that, we don't know what one individual can do other than KEEP YOURSELF INFORMED and BE PREPARED.

From me... I think there is one other thing that is very important and that is to not be afraid to say what you think... Speak out when you hear someone talking in support of something that is against what you know to be untrue... I recently ask someone what they knew about Barak Hussine Obama and it was nothing... I gave them a very brief overview and of course was told that I was a just a repubilican... I said yes but what I am more than a repubilican is someone who wants to make sure that we have a president who will stand up to an army who wants to kill us.
I left the person with one thought... After 911 did you believe that there is a group of radicals who have a plan to take the USA down... Thee person said yes... I then simply said this is not about Democrats or Republicans it is about the USA and would think that you would want to know all you can find out about each of the candidates running for president.

Hey, each of us must take up this fight. It is pretty clear that it will not be won in traditional battle. please pass my blog site and the one above along...

Join the army.......

“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.”.... Albert Einstein

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