Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Why Banning Guns Causes Concern

You're sound asleep when you hear a thump outside your bedroom door.
Half-awake, and nearly paralyzed with fear, you hear muffled whispers.At least two people have broken into your house and are moving your way.

With your heart pumping, you reach down beside your bed and pick up your shotgun.

You rack a shell into the chamber, then inch toward the door and open it.

In the darkness, you make out two shadows.

One holds something that looks like a crowbar.

When the intruder brandishes it as if to strike, you raise the shotgun and fire.

The blast knocks both thugs to the floor.

One writhes and screams while the second man crawls to the front door and lurches outside.

As you pick up the telephone to call police, you know you're in trouble.

In your country, most guns were outlawed years before, and the few that are privately owned are so stringently regulated as to make them useless..

Yours was never registered.

Police arrive and inform you that the second burglar has died.

They arrest you for First Degree Murder and Illegal Possession of a Firearm.

When you talk to your attorney, he tells you not to worry: authorities will probably plea the case down to manslaughter.

"What kind of sentence will I get?" you ask.

"Only ten-to-twelve years," he replies, as if that's nothing. "Behave yourself, and you'll be out in seven."

The next day, the shooting is the lead story in the
local newspaper. Somehow, you're portrayed as an eccentric vigilante while the two men you shot are represented as choirboys.

Their friends and relatives can't find an unkind word to say about them..

Buried deep down in the article, authorities acknowledge that both "victims" have been arrested numerous times.

But the next day's headline says it all: "Lovable Rogue Son Didn't Deserve to Die."

The thieves have been transformed from career criminals into Robin Hood-type pranksters..

As the days wear on, the story takes wings.

The national media picks it up, then the international media.

The surviving burglar has become a folk hero.

Your attorney says the thief is preparing to sue you, and he'll probably win.

The media publishes reports that your home has been burglarized several times in the past and that you've been critical of local police for their lack of effort in apprehending the suspects.

After the last break-in, you told your neighbor that you would be prepared next time.

The District Attorney uses this to allege that you were lying in wait for the burglars.

A few months later, you go to trial.

The charges haven't been reduced, as your lawyer had so confidently predicted.

When you take the stand, your anger at the injustice of it all works against you..

Prosecutors paint a picture of you as a mean, vengeful man.

It doesn't take long for the jury to convict you of all charges.

The judge sentences you to life in prison.

This case really happened.

On August 22, 1999, Tony Martin of Emneth, Norfolk , England , killed one burglar and wounded a second.

In April, 2000, he was convicted and is now serving a life term...

How did it become a crime to defend one's own life in the once great British Empire ?

It started with the Pistols Act of 1903.

This seemingly reasonable law forbade selling pistols to minors or felons and established that handgun sales were to be made only to those who had a license.  The Firearms Act of 1920 expanded licensing to include not only handguns but all firearms except shotguns..

Later laws passed in 1953 and 1967 outlawed the carrying of any weapon by private citizens and mandated the registration of all shotguns.

Momentum for total handgun confiscation began in earnest after the Hungerfordmass shooting in 1987.

Michael Ryan, a mentally disturbed man with a Kalashnikov rifle, walked down the streets shooting everyone he saw.

When the smoke cleared, 17 people were dead.

The British public, already de-sensitized by eighty years of "gun control", demanded even tougher restrictions.
(The seizure of all privately owned handguns was the objective even though Ryan used a rifle.)

Nine years later, at Dunblane , Scotland , Thomas Hamilton used a semi-automatic weapon to murder 16 children and a teacher at a public school.

For many years, the media had portrayed all gun owners as mentally unstable, or worse, criminals.  Now the press had a real kook with which to beat up law-abiding gun owners.  Day after day, week after week, the media gave up all pretense of objectivity and demanded a total ban on all handguns.  The Dunblane Inquiry, a few months later, sealed the fate of the few sidearms still owned by private citizens.

During the years in which the British government incrementally took away most gun rights, the notion that a citizen had the right to armed self-defense came to be seen as vigilantism.  Authorities refused to grant gun licenses to people who were threatened, claiming that self-defense was no longer considered a reason to own a gun. Citizens who shot burglars or robbers or rapists were charged while the real criminals were released.

Indeed, after the Martin shooting, a police spokesman was quoted as saying, "We cannot have people take the law into their own hands."

All of Martin's neighbors had been robbed numerous times, and several elderly people were severely injured in beatings by young thugs who had no fear of the consequences.  Martin himself, a collector of antiques, had seen most of his collection trashed or stolen by burglars.

When the Dunblane Inquiry ended, citizens who owned handguns were given three months to turn them over to local authorities.

Being good British subjects, most people obeyed the law.  The few who didn't were visited by police and threatened with ten-year prison sentences if they didn't comply.

Police later bragged that they'd taken nearly 200,000 handguns from private citizens.

How did the authorities know who had handguns?
The guns had been registered and licensed.
Kind of like cars. Sound familiar?


"...It does not require a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority keen to set brush fires in people's minds.."
--Samuel Adams

If you think this is important, please forward to everyone you know.

You had better wake up, because Obama is doing this very same thing, over here, if he can get it done
The UN Small Arms Treaty that Hilary is negotiating would take away our 2nd Amendment rights.

And there are stupid people in congress and on the street that will go right along with him.

Pretty Much Right On


Blood is on The Hands of the LEFT

By: Howard Galganov, Canadian writer
I was just about to publish my latest editorial... on Canada’s Supreme Court decision to suspend Freedom of Speech in favor of promoting one language over all others. THEN THE CONNECTICUT SCHOOL SHOOTINGS HAPPENED.

What happened at Sandy Hook School takes precedence over any language issues in Canada and a failed Judicial System in both our countries.
I won’t waste words describing my feelings, because how I feel is indescribable about 27 people murdered, (20 young children and six adults at the school),the murder of the shooter's mother beforehand, then the cowardly suicide of the shooter at the school as law enforcement closed in.


It didn’t happen because of the so-called gun culture, or because of poor security at the school. It happened because of the modern LEFTIST culture that has been busy removing all semblance of personal responsibility and respect from our lives.

It happened because of the Hollywood and television types who lecture the Conservatives on how people should live, while they make FORTUNES producing absolute FILTH and VIOLENCE in their movies, videos and television programs.

It happened because of reality TV shows that demean humanity, along with shows that make people laugh at the pain and humiliation of others.

The senseless murders happened because multi-millionaire computer game producers create UGLY digital scenarios that poison young minds with abject depravity and gratuitous violence.

It happened because the school system doesn’t teach values, and promotes the idea that 'anything goes.' And that all people are equal, regardless of the truth. And that no one ever fails.

It happened because LEFTISTS won’t allow concerned and loving parents to discipline their children, or raise their children in the time-honored way they feel is right.

It happened because far too many Liberals spend their time and effort ridiculing and attacking the people who want to live by the lessons of the Bible and the Torah.

In truth, this and other horrible acts of violence happen because our society-- from the entertainment industry to schools to the media and to our governments-- have created the social and cultural foundation that is eating away at both Canada and the United States like a cancer.

I know that what I am writing will inflame those on the LEFT, but that’s OK-- because if they don’t like it, they can ROT in HELL along with the demons and losers of their own creation. I want my old country's values back.

Values like standing in school when an adult entered the room. Like being seriously disciplined for bad behavior. Like when we were measured by our successes and failures. When not everyone had to waste years of his or her life going to college to study basket weaving instead of taking a trades course or going to work or the service right after high school. When your Mom was a caring woman and your Dad was a real man, an authority in the home. And when there weren’t vulgar parades extolling the “virtues” of being gay.
If you want to stop the sickness . . . IT’S TIME TO STOP THE LEFT.

In sadness . . . Howard Galganov

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Where Does God Fit Into Our Nation

 The video is only 2 minutes 51 seconds long.Maybe it will help clarify what our President was saying about our Nation not being a Christian Nation...   Made thing clear to me  ... You decide

Please watch to the end or you will miss it.


Saturday, January 26, 2013

Only In America

) Only in America could the rich people -who pay 86% of all income taxes - be
accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all.

2) Only in America could people claim that the government still discriminates
against black Americans when they have a black

President, a black Attorney General, and roughly 18% of the
federal workforce is black while only 12% of the population is black

3) Only in America could they have had the two people most responsible
for our tax code, Timothy Geithner, the head of the Treasury Department
and Charles Rangel who once ran the Ways and Means Committee,
BOTH turn, out to be tax cheats who are in favor of higher taxes.

4) Only in America can they have terrorists kill people in the name
of Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that
Muslims might be harmed by the backlash.

5) Only in America would they make people who want to legally become
American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of
thousands of dollars for the privilege while we discuss letting anyone who
sneaks into the country illegally just 'magically' become American citizens.

6) Only in America could the people who believe in balancing the budget
and sticking by the country's Constitution be thought of as "extremists."

7) Only in America could you need to present a driver's license to cash a
check or buy alcohol, but not to vote.

8) Only in America could people demand the government investigate
whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas
went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. oil company
(Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike).

9) Only in America could the government collect more tax dollars
from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a
Trillion dollars more than it has per year - for total spending of
$7-Million PER MINUTE, and complain that it doesn't have nearly enough Money.

10) Only in America could politicians talk about the greed of the rich
at a $35,000.00 a plate
 campaign fund-raising event.

11) Only in America can a man with no
     background, no qualifications and
     no experience ..and a complete
     failure at his job...... be reelected.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Heart Attacks and Water

How many folks do you know who say they don't want to drink 
anything before going to bed because they'll have to get up during
the night?

Heart Attack and Water - I never knew all of this ! Interesting.......

Heart Attack & Water
Something else I didn't know ... I asked my Doctor why do people 
need to urinate so much at night time.
Answer from my Cardiac Doctor;
Gravity holds water in the lower part of your body when you are 
upright (legs swell). When you lie down and the lower body (legs and 
etc) seeks level with the kidneys it is then that the kidneys remove the 
water because it is easier. This then ties in with the last statement!
I knew you need your minimum water to help flush the toxins out of 
your body, but this was news to me.

Correct time to drink water... Very Important: From A Cardiac Specialist!

Drinking water at a certain time maximizes its effectiveness on the body:
2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
1 glass of water before going to bed - reduces the risk of stroke or 
heart attack

Please pass this to the people you care about......

I can also add to this...
My Physician told me that water at bed time will also help prevent 
night time leg cramps. Your leg muscles are seeking hydration when they 
cramp and wake you up with a Charlie Horse.

Subject: Mayo Clinic on
Aspirin - PASS IT ON

Mayo Clinic Aspirin Dr.. Virend Somers, is a cardiologist from the 
Mayo Clinic, who is lead author of the report in the July 29, 2008 issue 
of the Journal of the American College of Cardiology. Most heart attacks 
occur in the day, generally between 6 A.M. and noon. Having one during 
the night, when the heart should be most at rest, means that 
something unusual happened. Somers and his colleagues have been working 
for a decade to show that sleep apnea is to blame.

1. If you take an aspirin or a baby aspirin once a day, take it at night.
The reason: Aspirin has a 24-hour "half-life"; therefore, if most heart 
attacks happen in the wee hours of the morning, the Aspirin would be 
strongest in your system.
2. FYI, Aspirin lasts a really long time in your medicine chest for 
years, (when it gets old, it smells like vinegar).

Please read on.

Something that we can do to help ourselves nice to know. Bayer is 
making crystal aspirin to dissolve instantly on the tongue. They work 
much faster than the tablets. Why keep Aspirin by your bedside?
Heart Attacks -
There are other symptoms of a heart attack, besides the pain on 
the left arm. One must also be aware of an intense pain on the chin, as 
well as nausea and lots of sweating; however, these symptoms may also 
occur less frequently.

Note: There may be NO pain in the chest during a heart attack. The 
majority of people (about 60%) who had a heart attack during their sleep 
did not wake up. However, if it occurs, the chest pain may wake you up 
from your deep sleep. If that happens, immediately dissolve two 
aspirins in your mouth and swallow them with a bit of water. 
Afterwards: - Call 911. - Phone a neighbor or a family member who lives 
very close by. Say "heart attack!" - Say that you have taken 2 
Aspirins. - Take a seat on a chair or sofa near the front door, and wait 
for their arrival and ...DO NOT LIE DOWN!

A Cardiologist has stated that if each person after receiving this 
e-mail, sends it to 10 people, probably one life could be saved!
I have already shared this information. What about you? Do forward this 
message. It may save lives!

"Life is a one time gift"