Tuesday, July 8, 2008

57 States - Obama Confused About Where He Was

You are aware, probably, that Barack Obama lost his bearings recently
and said that he was going to campaign in all 57 states. While in Oregon a few weeks back he did in fact say he had visited all 57 states. I confirmed this on Snoops which is a good site to go and check out rumor before we spread stories around. If you have not used snoops is simple Google Snoops and the site will come up and you just put in the topic key notes and it will come right back and tell you if they know about it and any facts they have. This one they had lots on..

Media glossed it over with, he's tired.

Rush L. reported this on his show>>>

You know, this is a Dan Quayle moment. I mean, Dan Quayle goes out there and misspells "potato", and we still hear jokes about it.

Barack Obama says he's gonna go out and campaign in 57 states, he was just tired, you know, it's been such a long campaign, he's been so many places, he probably thinks there are 57 states.

Well, I have here a printout from a website called the Internation al Humanist and Ethical Union. And here is how the second paragraph of an article on that website begins. "Every year from 1999 to 2005 the organization of the Islamic conference representing the 57 Islamic states presented a resolution to the United Nations commission on human rights called combating."

We're participating here in a tweak of the media. Obama said he's going to campaign in 57 states, and it turns out that there are 57 Islamic states.

"Every year from 1999 to 2005, the organization of the Islamic conference representing the 57 Islamic states," this is from the International Humanist and Ethical Union. And the title of the piece here is, "How the Islamic states dominate the UN human rights council," and there are 57 of them.

Sorry, folks something about this guy just bugs me.

Me too Rush... He has spent a lot of time with folks who have very close ties to these 57 Islamic
states and has close family in them. He has person contact with a cousin and half brother who are very much involved with what is going on within some of them.

So more facts that just don't seem to make the new... strange how this continues to happen.

When I am tired I might remember we have 48 states but someone quickly reminds me about those last two we let join us so we could have more oil and more sandy beaches... Wait where is that oil anyway.

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