Please take the time to read. This is posted to simply make a point... WHO IS THIS MAN
As I talk to people I am absolutely amazed and struck with fear that educated people are moving forward to vote for someone they know so little about. So share my blog site and again we have to provide information and cause people to ask themselves questions. The facts are out here people just have to be forced to look at them.
Get yourself something cool to drink, find a relaxing position,
But before you continue, visualize the television photos of two jet airliners smashing into the Twin Towers in lower Manhattan and remind yourself this cowardly act of Muslim terror was planned for eight years.
This is an incident that each of us should remember exactly where we were and what we were doing when we heard and saw what was going on...
Me... it is as clean as if it was yesterday... Standing there watching the TV when the second jet hit...
Toby Keith wrote a great song as a result of that day... I remember saying out loud to the group I was with at work... "There is going to be HELL to pay for this."
Now after a mear 7 years we have forgotten the 3,000 people killed on our soil and another 3,000 of our military who have given their lives freely not counting the 1,500 or so that
the Muslim terrorists killed prior to 911 or the thousands of innocent people they have killed
in the name of Allah. WAKE UP AMERICA
We are now promoting a man, with known, proven, documented, hand-holding family ties to the same radical muslim theology, for the position of President of our (my) United States.
Have we lost our minds? Why is the media not tellingus who this man named Barak Hussein Obama is. Where is his money coming from.
Sure Hillary is going to support him... he is giving her $ 10,000,000 to pay off her debits and you can bet she views the money she loaded herself as a debt so 5-6 millions goes back into her bank account. Poor ol Bill and Hillary... they both came to DC with about 250,000 between them. Now what 40-60 million between them now. Does this not smell. And all the time she is talking about helping the poor people. Give me a break and why can't folks see all this?
Wake UP Wake UP
OK OK sorry I am off the soap box....
I am ashamed for the thousands of men who died in battle for our country and for the defense of peace for the rest of the world.
How long did it take Islam and their oil money to find a candidate for President of the United States ? As long as it took them to place a Senatorfrom Illinois and Minnesota ?
The same amount of time to create a large Muslim enclave in Detroit ?
The time it took them to build over 2,000mosques in America ?
The same amount of time required to place radicalwahabbist clerics in our military and prisons as 'chaplains'?
Find a candidate who can get away with lying about their father being a'freedom fighter' when he was actually part of the most corrupt and violentgovernment in Kenya 's history.
Find a candidate with close ties to The Nation of Islam and the violentMuslim overthrow in Africa , a candidate who is educated among white infidelAmericans but hides his bitterness and anger behind a superficial toothysmile.
Find a candidate who changes his American name of Barry to the Muslim nameof Barak Hussein Obama, and dares anyone to question his true ties under thebanner of 'racism'.
Nurture this candidate in an atmosphere of anti-white American teaching andsurround him with Islamic teachers.
Provide him with a bitter, racist,anti-white, anti-American wife, and supply him with Muslim middle eastconnections and Islamic monies.
Allow him to be clever enough to get awaywith his anti-white rhetoric and proclaim he will give $834 billion taxpayerdollars to the Muslim controlled United Nations for use in Africa
Install your candidate in an atmosphere of deception because questioning himon any issue involving Africa or Islam would be seen as 'bigoted racism';two words too powerful to allow the citizenry to be informed of facts.
Allowyour candidate to employ several black racist Nation of Islam LouisFarrakhan followers as members of his Illinois Senatorial and campaignstaffs.
Where is the bloodhound American 'free press' who doggedly overturned everystone in the Watergate case?
Where are our nation's reporters that have placed every Presidentialcandidate under the microscope of detailed scrutiny; the same press whopursue Bush's 'Skull and Bones' club or ran other candidates off withpersistent detective and research work?
Why haven't 'newsmen' pursued the 65 blatant lies told by this candidateduring the Presidential primaries?
Where are the stories about this candidate's cousin and the Muslim butcheryin Africa ?
Since when did our national press corps become weak, timid, and silent?
Why haven't they regaled us with the long list of socialists and communists whohave surrounded this 'out of nowhere' Democrat candidate or that his churchre-printed the Hamas Manifesto in their bulletin, and that his 'close pastorfriend and mentor' met with Middle East terrorist Moammar Gaddafi, (Guide of the First of September Great Revolution of the Socialist People's LibyanArab Jamahiriya)?
Why isn't the American press telling us this candidate is supported by everyMuslim organization in the world?
As an ultimate slap in the face, be blatant in the fact your candidate hasZERO interest in traditional American values and has the most liberal votingrecord in U.S. Senate history.
Why has the American main stream media clammed-up on any negative reportingon Barak Hussein Obama?
Why will they print Hillary Rodham Clinton's namebut never write his middle name? Is it not his name?
Why, suddenly, is ANY information about this candidate not coming from mainstream media, but from the blogosphere by citizens seeking facts and thetruth?
Why isn't our media connecting the dots with Islam?
Why do they focus on 'those bad American soldiers' while Islam slaughtersnon Muslims daily in 44 countries around the globe?
Why does our media referto Darfur as 'ethnic cleansing' instead of what it really is; Muslimskilling non Muslims!
There is enough strange, anti-American activitysurrounding Barak Hussein Obama to peek the curiosity of any reporter. WHEREIS OUR INVESTIGATIVE MEDIA!?
A formal plan for targeting America was devised three years after theIranian revolution in 1982.
The plan was summarized in a 1991 memorandum byMohamed Akram, an operative of the global Muslim Brotherhood. '
The processof settlement' of Muslims in America , Akram explained, 'is a civilizationjihad process.'
This means that members of the Brotherhood must understandthat their work in 'America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating anddestroying the Western civilization from within and sabotaging its miserablehouse by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminatedand God's religion is made victorious over all other religions..'
There is terrorism we can see, smell and fear, but there is a new kind ofterror invading The United States in the form of Sharia law and finance.Condoning it is civilization suicide.
Middle East Muslims are coming toAmerica in record numbers and building hate infidel mosques, buying ourcorporations, suing us for our traditions, but they and the whole subject ofIslam is white noise leaving uninformed Americans about who and what isreally peaceful.
Where is our investigative press? Any criticism of Islam ortheir intentions, even though Islamic leaders state their intentions dailyaround the globe, brings-forth a volley of 'racist' from the left-wingDemocrat crowd.
Lies and deception behind a master plan - the ingredients for 'TheManchurian Candidate' or the placement of an anti-American President in our nation's White House?
Is it mere coincidence that an anti-capitalist run forPresident at the same time Islamic sharia finance and law is trying to makeadvancing strides into the United States ?
Is it mere coincidence this same candidate wants to dis-arm our nuclear capability at a time when terrorist Muslim nations are expanding their nuclear weapons capability?
Is it merecoincidence this candidate wants to reduce our military at a time of global jihad from Muslim nations?
Change for America ? What change? To become another 'nation of Islam'?
Who is Barack Obama?
Very interesting and something that should be considered in your choice.This is very scary to think of what lies ahead of us here in our own UnitedStates...better heed this and pray about it and share it.
Who is Barack Obama?
Probable U. S.. presidential candidate, Barack Hussein Obama was born inHonolulu, Hawaii, to Barack Hussein Obama, Sr., a black MUSLIM fromNyangoma-Kogel, Kenya and Ann Dunham, a white ATHIEST from Wichita, Kansas. Obama's parents met at the University of Hawaii.
When Obama was two yearsold, his parents divorced. His father returned to Kenya. No record in fact that they were ever married.
His mother then married Lolo Soetoro, a RADICAL Muslim from Indonesia. When Obama was 6 years old, the family relocate to Indonesia.
Obama attended a MUSLIM school in Jakarta. He also spent two years in a Catholic school.
Obama takes great care to conceal the fact that he is a Muslim.. He is quick to point out that, 'He was once a Muslim, but that he also attended Catholic school.'
Obama's political handlers are attempting to make it appear that he is not aradical. Obama's introduction to Islam came via his father, and that this influencewas temporary at best..
In reality, the senior Obama returned to Kenya soon after the divorce, and never again had any direct influence over his son'seducation.
Lolo Soetoro, the second husband of Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, introduced his stepson to Islam.
Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta. Wahabism is the RADICAL teaching that is followed by the Muslim terroristswho are now waging Jihad against the western world.
Since it is politicallyexpedient to be a CHRISTIAN when seeking major public office in the UnitedStates, Barack Hussein Obama has joined the United Church of Christ in anattempt to downplay his Muslim background.
Barack Hussein Obama will NOT recite the Pledge of Allegience nor will heshow any reverence for our flag. Sure now that it has been brought up he has a lapel pen but lets go back an see who is was before the run for President?
While others place their hands over theirhearts, Obama turns his back to the flag and slouches..
Let us all remain alert concerning Obama's expected presidential candidacy.
The Muslims have said they plan on destroying the US from the inside out,what better way to start than at the highest level - through the Presidentof the United States, one of their own!!!!Please forward to everyone you know. Would you want this man leading ourcountry?......
NOT ME !!!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
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