Thursday, September 20, 2012

Help Me Understand.. Women Favor the Democrats ?

So let me get this straight. The DNC party which is “all about women” had,
1. a woman on stage who lied about her Indian heritage to get ahead professionally,
2. an immature 30 year old who thinks people (tax-payers) should pay for her birth control
         (about $9 a month by the way) and all abortions  including the ninth month,
3. gave thanks to Ted Kennedy who killed a woman,
4. featured as keynote speaker a guy that cheated on his wife with an intern and lied about it             while       President.. now explain that to you children oh too late for that now we honor him for his actions.
5. And the DNC Chair is a guy that has four kids by three different women who cheated on his wife           with a local news anchor in Los Angeles.
6.  All the same on a day where the Democrats "booed" God and Jerusalem after apparently getting a       2/3rds.  vote to change the platform but we all know it wasn't 2/3rds of the people approving it       on the floor. LOL.  In fact the tele prompter already had his script up before the vote was even
      taken... It read the motion passed by 2/3 majority.  

The best part was seeing Michelle Obama's pissed off look while Bill Clinton went 50 minutes on stage tonight. Bill knew what he was doing and Michelle didn't like that "The Chosen One" was upstaged. You can't make this stuff up. Definitely Bizarro World at the DNC. Thanks for the laughs and the heartbreak guys."

A friend posted this from a news site where comments were being posted about the DNC. It is amazing to me that so many people still think the Dems represent them. It's my experience that those represented there and their ideas do not reflect the majority of Americans. Far from it! But they are very loud and so they get alot of attention. Silent Majority must be silent no more if we are to take back our country. We risk losing it forever if we stand idle. God have mercy.

I just am amazed that:
1.  Women favor the Democratic party.  I mean 4 years ago when a women was named to run as VP, pretty big deal the threw her under the bus and where was NOW.  Not a peep from them.
2.  Clinton is a womanizer, always has been and took advantage of a young although not too naive women and not a peep from NOW or the women int he country
3.  They tried to toss God completely out of their platform and somebody woke up after they got to Charlotte and decided it best go back in and it was forced in and would not have passed a show of hands vote.  The party has been highjacked and noone seems to care.

Really I just do not get it... Do You?


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