Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The Operative Word Is CUT Yes CUT

FOREIGN Aid to African nations and four other small donations of YOUR MONEY. NOTE that KENYA is BY FAR the largest recipient of this money. I wonder WHY THAT IS the case? Expressed amounts are in millions. Our FOREIGN AID EXPENDITURES are about 60 BILLION annually. Do not let politicians tell you that is just a drop in the bucket. If politicians have that attitude, I suggest those moneys be spent right here in this country for health care, social security, school programs, anything but having it just being given away and then being spit on by those same countries.

Oh, yes you can do something about it, get on the phone, get on your computer, text, or even write a letter to you senators and congressfolk to express your disapproval. The ONLY thing elected officials is having their constituents turn on them for this means a ‘lost next election’.

If YOU do not do something, you can absolutely bet no one else will for too many might think just as you. YOUR opinion does matter.

My suggestion is cut this 25% a year for the next 4 years then hold it at that new level. We can not afford to borrow to send money to other nations we have needs at home. Charity begins at home. HJ

Ivory Coast — $138M
Democratic Republic of the
Congo — $213M
Ethiopia — $584M
Ghana — $175M
Kenya — $714M
Liberia — $219M
Malawi — $179M
Mali — $169M
Mozambique — $415M
Namibia — $103M
Nigeria — $648M
Rwanda — $241M
Senegal — $137M
South Africa — $586M
Sudan — $440M
Tanzania — $550M
Uganda — $480M
Zambia — $409M
Indonesia — $228M Whats this for, a communist country and muslim at that. Oh, I guess the latter explains it.
Philippines — $133M Why do we pay these folks a dime, they kicked our ass out and closed the largest U.S. Military Air Field in the area.
Vietnam — $123M Why are we giving this communist country any money?
Ukraine — $124M This money is being paid in order to allow the U.S. to use their bases in event of a conflict.

By the way the way, almost every country in the world does or has received foreign aid from the United States, and most still do in some fashion or another. Even in EUROPE over a billion a year is given away to many affluent nations.

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