Wednesday, April 28, 2010

NC District 4 voters - If you are not sure This is for you

I just wanted to take a moment to inform you that the Triangle Conservatives Unite! group and NBC 17 have partnered up to cosponsor a debate that will be held on Saturday, May 1st at the NBC 17 studios.

The debate, which will air LIVE from 10:00am-11:30am will be the last opportunity to hear the candidates' position on important issues such as the economy, healthcare and immigration. We need your help to spread this message!

It will be important for individuals who are still undecided or those disengaged from politics to tune in and see the clear differences between the candidates. While the debate is being held at the studio, voters from the 4th District can still have a voice. From now until Friday, voters can submit questions to the network for consideration. All questions will come from those submitted.

If you have a particular issue you would like to hear addressed please email the NBC 17 studio at: I encourage you to submit questions that you feel separate the candidates so a clear distinction can be made.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter. We appreciate your continued support for BJ Lawson and the Lawson for Congress campaign effort.

Yes I am supporting Lawson. He seems to be the best of all the candidates with Cunningham being the second best in my view.

Vote for the good of the Country

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