Friday, October 3, 2008

Why I Do Not Watch ABC

I try not to watch any of the major networks anymore and this is one of the reason. This is old news but a couple folks sent it to me as if it was new info. This dates back to 9-11 days

Do not be shocked it is what our Media is all about... Do not want to offend anyone, well they offened me...

> ABC News Bans Flag Lapel Pins
> The brass at ABC News issued orders forbidding reporters to
> wear lapel pin American flags or other patriotic insignia.

Their reasoning was that ABC should remain neutral about 'causes'.
> Since when is support for preventing our death & destruction some sort
> of a cause?

Since when is patriotism to be discouraged. I urge you to boycott ABC and its sponsors and affiliates.

> We are slowly losing everything our country stands for, and everything our men and women fought and died to preserve.

> Please forward this to as many as you can. You can verify it by going to:


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