Barack stands behind Kezia (stepmother) in a Kenyan family shot.
(Including brother Abongo ' Roy ' Obama who is a Luo activist and
a 'Militant Muslim' who argues that the black man must 'liberate
himself from the poisoning influences of European culture.' )
'Abongo's new lifestyle has left him lean and clear-eyed, and at
the wedding, he looked so dignified in his black African gown
with white trim and matching cap that some of our guests
mistook him for my father,' Obama wrote in Dreams
From My Father
This man remain a mystery. We have seen him promoted by the US media but as of this posting I do not know who he is. What I do find brings me to the conclusion that he used radical views and positions to gain support from the black and liberial votes, he smiled and gain enough votes from those who do not care but simply vote based on what the see and hear not on facts.
Now America we are about to elect someone to lead the most powerful and blessed nation in the world. We did not get to where we are with leaders of this type political views. Just remember the democratic party can not exist unless they keep a large segment of our population poor and on welfare. Really, stop and think about what this party is doing. They had control of both congress and the presidency for how many years and we have more poor now than ever. Yes we have more handouts as well. Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Clinton and did they fix it no they just put programs in to continue the same old welfare system. Yes we do want change but not what is being offered today. HJ a concerned American
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