Saturday, July 5, 2014

Prior to Obama Care coming to life I was using a very effective Cancel fighting cream from Sanofi. It had been very effective is stopping numerous skin cancer from developing and spreading.   I did not use a lot of the cream but maybe a tube every two years.

Prior to 2013 My insurance and drugs plans covered all but about $ 25 of the cost.   As a positive sign my last visit to my dermatologist was 4 years ago and he gave me very positive results and said to return if I spotted any unusual issues.  

I went for a checkup last week and he froze a couple minor ski lesions that were potential issues.
He gave me an new prescription for the skin treatment.

Well it seems under the new Medicare coverage my drug is no longer covered by Medicare so instead of $ 25 my out of pocket will be a cool $ 800.   Not bad for a new plan that was to allow us Seniors to have better medical coverage.  

Senior we have not seen anything yet.   Guess who is going to pay for all those added to the rolls.   You and I my friends, you and I.   The best is yet to come and we have no idea what our plans will be in 3-4 years but for sure they will never go back to what we had two years ago.  Our great US Health Care has been wrecked and will likely never recover. 

What we are allowing to happen to our country is a travesty.  


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