Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Great Announcement Happened This Week

Barney Franks announced he will not see reelection... Prayer do get answered and this is another example...

This man has done more harm to our country in the past 15 years than most of us will ever know. As Head of the House Committee for Fannie MAY and Freddie MAC he is really the single person who led us into the housing disaster that in turn led our country into financial crisis. I remember the White House back int he mid 90's going before his committee and warning that a house crisis was looming. I remember him saying" There is not housing problem. We are just making sure that anyone who wants a house can afford one." Really, anyone who wants a house can have one the only thing is scum bag failed to understand is a person must be able to pay for the mortgage. But then he knew all along that congress would bail them out and who cares if it might bankrupt our country, we will just tax the working class.

He has blatantly pushed his gay agenda and abused his power. Hundreds of million of our tax dollars have gone to his cronies and you and I the American Tax payers have and will continue to foot the bills for his miss use of power. If congress would police their own and the media would do their investigative role, this man would have been run out of town by now. But instead he and his gang of thieves will have the luxury of living the good life on our dollars.

He is not running because he know the public is slowly beginning to know just who he really is and how poor a job he did while in congress.

When he lost control on his House committee a great cancer was removed from American.

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