Monday, May 3, 2010

More Health Care Discoveries

It's never been more obvious that we need honest, transparent and principled representation in Washington.

Just this weekend we're learning about new IRS requirements hidden in the health care reform bill -- businesses will be required to file 1099 forms for all of their suppliers who receive at least $600 in a year.

Are you paying rent on your office? File a 1099 to the landlord and the IRS. Are you a contractor going to the lumberyard? File a 1099 to the lumberyard and the IRS.

Do we understand the sheer insanity of our government in Washington, and how it is determined to destroy what's left of our private sector?

Can we think of a better case study to highlight the One Subject at a Time Act, and to eliminate the IRS and the income tax?
The good news is that more people are being motivated to act. We had the best weekend yet in the campaign -- five different walks across the district, volunteers making hundreds of phone calls, four well-attended Meet & Greets, a televised debate, and a great time meeting hundreds of voters at Apex Peak Fest.

I've knocked on hundreds of doors over the past week, and the support for our message of limited constitutional government has been unanimous among Republicans, and nearly unanimous among Unaffiliateds.

It's certainly widespread enough to defeat David Price.

Election day is tomorrow. Please take a friend to the polls, and help us hold David Price accountable for his nurturing the seeds of our economic destruction over the past 24 years.

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