Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fastest Liar in Town

Editorial by Don Bendell

To Republicans, Libertarians, and America’s Enemies

I just watched a video at Pamela Geller’s Atlas Shrugs blog of then-candidate Barack Obama telling 7 outrageous lies in a row in 1minute and 46 seconds time, which helped propel him into the White House. This has to be a world record for a politician lying.
The main reason, though that he is in the White House is because the Republican party and Libertarian party put him there. That is right, not the democrats, they simply believed his lies, but we could have stopped his election. We all have our work cut out for us if we want to get him out of there.
During the 2008 election, we had Vietnam veterans who refused to vote for John McCain over the POW issue. They either did not vote or voted for a Libertarian. Thus, Barack got another vote for each one. We had pure conservatives who would not vote for McCain, because he is regarded as a RINO by many. But the biggest problem were the republican congressmen, who along with their cohorts across the aisle, helped strengthen the give-it-up attitude within the republican party, because the only difference between most congressmen now is the color of buttons they wear. Added to that were those self-centered, unprincipled, republican congressmen who got caught with their hands in the cookie jar and made the party look corrupt.
If republicans continue to whine, spend all their energies trying to prove Barack Obama is an illegal alien, cry out “The sky is falling!” with every email rumor that comes along, act apathetic about who represents us, or switch to the libertarian party, which can only weaken our vote again, then we will once again hand the election to the democrats.
We must be united. We must stand unwavering on conservative values. We must toss the republican wimps out of congress who do not. We must lead the charge to prosecute every republican politico who gets caught breaking the law. And we must have and support a strong Ronald Reagan-like conservative who will lead with power and vision, which brings me to our enemies, along with our allies in France, Germany, Japan, Latin America, and the mideast.
Our current President does not speak for America when he apologizes for our actions. He speaks for a lunatic fringe who forgot how we became the world’s only remaining superpower. We are going to take back our congress in 2010 and White House in 2012, and every mistake Obama makes will be corrected, so all of you, know this now:
When those of you in Germany who are elitists silently allowed Adolph Hitler to rise to power with his own hollow promises of Paradise then slaughter 6 million Jews, we were the ones who drove him into the bunker to blow his brains out, while his closest followers either died or ran to South America to hide and pass on their ridiculous ideas to new leaders growing up there.
When those of you in France who are elitists became some of the world’s best culinary artists and wine-makers, it was so you could treat conquering generals like kings hoping they would not decimate your population. We do not apologize for your countrymen we saved after Normandy, St Mere Eglise, and the many other fields in France where we liberated your countrymen and passed out candy bars to your kids, like our soldiers always do. We do not apologize for that.
When those of you in Japan who hated our system so much, you committed one of the worst most dishonorable sneak attacks in world history at Pearl Harbor, we not only destroyed your country-almost teaching you a valuable lesson, then we helped you rebuild. And that system you hated then has enriched your lives now for decades and made you a world superpower. We won’t apologize for that either.
Saddam Hussein used to put political dissidents into a giant meat grinder feet first and watched their bloody death while laughing with his friends and relatives. He used poisonous nerve gas to kill thousands of Kurds. His neck broke at the end of his hangman’s rope, but first we treated him humanely for lice and fleas after his miserable existence in his filthy desert hideout until captured by American soldiers. His sons, both heroin addicts, used to have bodyguards grab Iraqi women and girls at random off the streets wherever they chose and raped them. American soldiers blew their miserable brains out. Now Iraq is a fledgling democracy which has held free elections in the middle of the world of Islam. We will not apologize for that either.
Germany, France, England, Russia, Central America, South America, Saudi Arabia; How many of you countries had to build a fence along your border to keep people out, not in? China, when Mao Tse Tung was killing 70,000,000 of your people, how many immigrants traveled from foreign shores to try to come to your country to make a better life for themselves?
You see, Barack Obama does not even realize what made America so great and is now trying to destroy it from within, but our Constitution is much stronger than any man and so is our resolve. Our country, not any of you other countries, has always been there with humanitarian assistance all over the world whether it be flood, tidal waves, famines, earthquakes, fires, bloodbath, and other disasters. In fact, many in our country trying to prove we grew from some of our terrible mistakes such as slavery and racism actually helped elect Obama simply because he was a minority, instead of first learning what true naiveté lurked under the disarming smile and Golden Gift of Gab. Our bad. We will correct it, and then we will correct all the mistakes made, including letting you enemies of America feel you are safe from the talons of the eagle. We will be coming to get you. This I promise.
Every once in a while, we need a little wake-up call to remember what America is all about. Republicans, Libertarians, and right-leaning independents have been reminded and will now unite and be strong again. We will win and be America again, one nation, under God, and nobody will tread on us and use our own system and our own goodness to defeat us again, not even our own.

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